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Welcome to the academic apparel hiring section. If you are a graduation event organizer please contact us directly. If you are an individual hiring for yourself then go ahead and select your relevant university below and complete our online form to book now


Welcome to the academic apparel hiring section. If you are a graduation event organizer please contact us directly. If you are an individual hiring for yourself then here how it works in three easy steps:

  • STEP 1: Complete online form

    To get started, simply scroll below and click on you institution and fill out our online form. We'll ask you a few questions to determine which type of academic gown you need and when you need it. Don't worry, it only takes a few minutes!

  • STEP 2: Pay and secure attire

    After you've filled out the form, you will see the final cost based on your responses. Once you're happy, proceed to make a payment through our secure online payment system. We will get your order and secure the attire for you!

  • graduation attire supplier-cap image

    STEP 3: Collect and Return

    Once your payment has been processed, you're all set! All that's left to do is come to our store to pick up your academic gown. We'll have it ready and waiting for you. When you come to pick it up, we'll make sure it fits properly and answer any questions you might have.

UCT graduate

And that's it! With just three simple steps, you can have the perfect academic attire for your big day.

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